Learn English – Is it correct to use the expression “I have also attached…” in an e-mail


Is it grammatical to use the expression "I have also attached …" in an email?

For example:

"I have also attached the screenshot of the faculty list at University
which I was on."

Should I use a comma before the word "which"?

Best Answer

"I have also attached the screenshot of the faculty list at University which I was on."

It took me a while to figure out the meaning of the sentence (maybe because of prejudice, expecting badly mangled English, but maybe because it is unusual). I think it would be much clearer if you said

"I have also attached the screenshot of the faculty list at University, which contains my name and photo."

Or I misunderstood the sentence completely and you would write something like

"I have also attached the screenshot of the faculty list at University, where I studied philosophy for two years."

"which I was on" is so unspecific that it's hard to figure out what it refers to.

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