Articles – Why ‘I Have the Brown Eyes’ Is Incorrect Compared to ‘I Have Brown Eyes’


I encountered the following sentence in a Duolingo course (and there are no other sentences):

I have brown eyes.

However, I was told that "I have the brown eyes." is not correct here. I don't understand the reason, so I would like to ask, why is the use of a definite article (the) not correct in this sentence?

The sentence is from a course that teaches French in English, and I’m not a native-English speaker

Best Answer

Eyes is a "plural count noun" and in this case we are talking about your eyes generally, rather than specifically. As a result, you can omit the the.

See Rule #3 here:

All things or things in general: Use no article with plural count nouns or any noncount nouns used to mean all or in general.

In the case of your other example:

I have the brown eyes

If you were talking about a pair of glass eyeballs, that could be a correct sentence, but it's referring to a specific pair of eyes, rather than a general fact about yourself.

Edit: swapping out my original examples for a better one

I have boxes

boxes is a plural count noun, so you don't need the, since that's a general statement. However if we're going to directly address the boxes, we'd say:

Which boxes? I have the boxes (over there)

If boxes is singular, you still need the article:

I have the box, or I have a box

It is incorrect to drop the article and say:

I have box

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