Politeness – Is It OK to Respond to ‘Thanks’ with ‘Sure’?


When someone says

…, thanks.

Is it appropriate to respond with


If so, in which situations it would be OK, and what exactly would it imply?

Best Answer

Yes, this is a common, idiomatic response among English speakers where I live (California). It's casual, so it's mainly used for the kind of casual situation where people would say "Thanks" all by itself, like in the following:

"Could I have some of your sunscreen?"

"Sure, here you go."



But in the following it would be out of place, because the context is not casual and the thank-you is a big deal:

"After my wife died, I was really lost. Your friendship meant a lot to me. I don't know what I would have done without you. Thanks."


Some people also have very strict ideas about manners, and might object to "sure" in all cases, even casual ones.