Learn English – Is it OK to use single quotation marks around a business name


I'm currently in the process of writing a written piece/assignment for university as a contrast and compare piece and was curious as to if using single quotation marks around a business name for example,

Following the events occurring at a recent convention 'Nintendo Of America' released a new game for the switch.

In the original brief I was given it had referred to the games using single quotes around them. I wonder if the quotes were also necessary for the name of the business. The written format being used throughout is that of an article.

Best Answer

No. Quotes,single or double, should not be used to indicate a business name.

Quotes should be used for the following situations:

  • When actually quoting someone.

She said "I am going to be late."

  • When indicating the titles of short works or components of works (like chapter titles)

"The Naming of Cats" is a poem by T.S. Eliot.

  • When talking about a word as a word:

"The" is an example of a definite article in English.

Single quotes to indicate a nickname or similar unofficial short name:

The address was given by Robert 'Shorty' Johnson

Single quotes to distance yourself from something you report by indicating that you are merely reporting:

He called his opponent a 'moron'.

Names of businesses can be italicized if you need to distinguish the words from the surrounding sentence.

Following the events occurring at a recent convention Nintendo Of America released a new game.

References: 1 2

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