Learn English – Is it okay to say “15 minutes of four” in English


Is it okay to say "15 minutes of four" in English meaning "3:45"? Or would it mean "4:15"? Or is it totally incorrect to say that?

(I heard once a native speaker said that, but I am not sure if that was him just playing with words or that was an acceptable way of saying the time in English)

Best Answer

If you check the entry for of on Wordnik, you’ll find:

Before; until: five minutes of two.

Therefore, I’d regard the phrasing you ask about to be grammatical. However, I don’t generally hear that wording used with the fraction quarter. As said in the comments, phrases like:

  • quarter to four
  • fifteen minutes before four

are more common.

As for whether this person was using that phrasing to be humorous, you’d have to ask your friend. It might be colloquial.