Learn English – Is it polite/good manners to say ‘whatever’


If I'm being in formal speaking, do you think it's ok to use word whatever?

I think this word somehow doesn't fit a good conversation especially when talk to the olders. I feel like it gets a bit careless intonation whenever I use it .

I will consider whatever you choose

Would it get the same meaning with

I will consider anything you choose

Because I tend to see this word used in informal conversation (like teen stuff you know…)

Yeah whatever you choose

In my country (culture) we could also use only a word to express the kind of word, but we tend to make it a bit longer to get it formal, something like :

Yes you can choose anything, I will consider every single of them

not just whatever

Best Answer

"Whatever" is quite OK to use in a polite conversation, as long as you speak in complete sentences. "I will do whatever you want" is fine. "Whatever" on its own sounds dismissive- you don't think that the person you are talking to deserves a complete sentence.

"Consider" is something that your elders, your boss or your bank manager say: it means "I might accept your suggestion, I might reject it". If you are a respectful junior, you "accept" or "take notice of".