Learn English – Is it rude to say “I will let you know”


In a meeting I've asked someone a question and in response she said:

I'll let you know when I find out

From her tone, I know that she didn't mean to be rude or anything, so I just want to know what a native speaker will get from it. Will you consider it a normal sentence, or rude or even funny?

Clearly, I am not a native English speaker, but I've expected to hear something like:

I will inform you

Or something like that.

Best Answer

It's not rude at all to tell someone

I'll let you know

It either can mean you don't know or you haven't made up your mind.
Less ambiguous is

I'll let you know when I find out.

since it means you don't actually know at the time you were asked. A short hand form might be

When I know, you'll know.

Which can mean when you find out you will tell them, it can also mean you will all be told at the same time.

What is rude is if you told someone you'd let them know and then never say anything.