Learn English – Is “Media” a singular or plural noun


My book says "media" is a singular noun, but I think that it is a plural noun. So I should use a verb in the plural form with the word "media".

What is the error in the sentence below?

The media play a vital role in popularising a brand.

Best Answer

I must disagree with Andrew on his claim that in AmE "media" is definitely singular.

Looking at the CoCA corpus "media have" and "media has" have roughly equal counts. I'm not a professional researcher and my ability to use the byu corpora is limited but just going through the results you get examples such as

National media have noticed (Denver News)

the news media have reported (NYtimes)

And the public and the media have the right (spoken CNN)

There is a higher incidence of "media has" it seemed going by a rough look but both versions are certainly present even in AmE.

The oxford dictionaries say:

The word media comes from the Latin plural of medium. The traditional view is that it should therefore be treated as a plural noun in all its senses in English and be used with a plural rather than a singular verb: the media have not followed the reports (rather than ‘has’). In practice, in the sense ‘television, radio, and the press collectively’, it behaves as a collective noun (like staff or clergy, for example), which means that it is now acceptable in standard English for it to take either a singular or a plural verb. The word is also increasingly used in the plural form medias, as if it had a conventional singular form media, especially when referring to different forms of new media, and in the sense ‘the material or form used by an artist’: there were great efforts made by the medias of the involved countriesabout 600 works in all genres and medias were submitted for review.

All in all both plural and singular media is correct in current usage.

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