Learn English – Is “My concern is …” equivalent to “I think …”


I heard from broadcast that some native English speakers introduced their ideas by "My concern is…". I am wondering is this introduction equivalent to "I think…"?

Also, apart from these two ways of beginning a conversation I would like to know the alternative choices.

Best Answer

Checking the dictionary definition of concern in Collins, relevant senses are:

4) a matter of interest or importance to one that which relates to or affects one; affair; matter; business
5) interest in or regard for a person or thing
7) worry; anxiety ⇒ "to feel concern over one's health"

As you can see, concern has more to with interest, importance or worry than using think.

I think that food prices will go up.

is saying your thoughts/opinion on the matter.

My concern is that food prices will go up.

is saying the direction or impact of food prices is of interest and/or worry to the speaker.

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