Learn English – Is “of course” polite


I read someone's journal in lang-8.com, he is asking whether "of course" is a polite enough to use because her teacher (which is american) told her "of course" is not so polite because it sounds like the answer is a certainty and no one should not ask such that question.

for example :

Q: Do you like that movie ?

A: Of course, I like it.

come to think of it isn't entirely wrong for me. What about you?

Best Answer

The locution "of course" is neither polite nor impolite. The tone in which it is delivered makes all the difference.

Did you like the movie about swashbuckling pirates?
--Of course, I liked it, matey! You know how much I like to talk like a pirate, arrrh!

Would you like to come with us to the concert? I know your car is in the shop.
--Of course, it's so nice of you to offer.

Do you like those cookies I baked for you?
-- Of course I like them, it's *my* recipe after all! Why wouldn't I like them?