Learn English – Is past perfect necessary in ‘It had been here before we came.’


Would you use past perfect in following sentence or would you rather go with other tense?

It had been here before we came.

Best Answer

From the additional detail in the comments this is a question of when to use the simple past and when to use the past perfect:

"It had been here before we came."

"It was here before we came."

As with many languages, in English the "perfect" verb forms imply a temporal relationship, for example something that was true then, but may not be true now, or that it occurred before some other significant and related event. In this case, if you say, "It had been here ..." you imply that something happened to it when or after "we came".

"It had been here for many years before we came and took it away."

"It had been here for many years before we came, but when we touched it, it unexpectedly came alive!"

As P.E. Dant suggests in his comment, a good rule is not to use the perfect unless there's a specific need for it. In this case, since you just want to say "some kind of product had already been here before I actually got to that place where the product is" the simple past should be sufficient.

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