Learn English – “is started to be” or “starts to be” which is grammatically correct


When I started turning the steering wheel, it emitted a strange sound.

I am trying to rewrite the above sentence such that the steering wheel is the subject. I would like to know which of the following is correct.

  1. The steering wheel emitted a strange sound when it was started to be
  2. The steering wheel emitted a strange sound when it started to

Best Answer

The first sentence is not correct: you should not use passive voice for start in this context, because the main activity is turning, not starting. It is optional for turn:

The steering wheel emitted a strange sound when it started to turn.
The steering wheel emitted a strange sound when it started turning.
The steering wheel emitted a strange sound when it started to be turned.

The first two versions might give the impression that the wheel turned on its own: the second version sounds over-complex.

It would make a more natural sentence if you kept the steering wheel as the subject of the first clause, but made it the object of the second clause:

The steering wheel emitted a strange sound when I started to turn it.

emit is a bit technical: make would work better in informal spoken English.

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