Prepositions – Is ‘the Below List’ Correct?


According to Merriam Webster, the word "below" can function as an attributive modifier. (I doubt, however, it is an adjective):

Below adjective
Definition of below (Entry 4 of 4)
: written or discussed lower on the same page or on a following page
the below list

The phrase sounds off to me. I always say "the list below" as in "you can find everything in the list below". The sentence "you can find everything in the below list" is understandable but will certainly strike me as unnatural.

This is also pointed out in CGEL (pp. 1555 — 1556):

Unlike above, below has no special discourse-location use: it belongs only to the preposition category, so we have either the discussion below (location within this discourse) or the room below (ordinary spatial location), but not *the below discussion. [bold mine]

So the questions are:

i. Is Merriam-Webster wrong?
ii. If it is. Why can't we use "below" as an adjective?
iii. Is this just a matter or BrE vs AmE?

Best Answer

The below list isn't in any particular order.

The list below will help get you started.

Both the formats are correct.

It is just the a personal choice, agreeing with @JasonBassford, of one over the other.