Learn English – Is the “impersonal you” used in the normal nowadays conversation


When I took my English classes, I was taught that you can be used as impersonal you, for example when giving instructions to whoever is reading instructions; it is not referring to a specific person, but to whomever read them.

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Talking with a friend on mine, who was born in USA, I noticed she was confused from my use of the impersonal you.

Does that mean the impersonal you is not used anymore, or is the confusion raised from something else?

Best Answer

Impersonal you is less formal than impersonal one. One should avoid it in formal conversations:

informal — If you aren’t choosing a proper impersonal pronoun when talking to people you don't know, you will have problems;
formal — If one isn’t choosing a proper impersonal pronoun when talking to people they don't know, they will have problems;

Also, don't forget that many languages don't have impersonal pronouns. The non-native speakers may be confused with that, especially if you are discussing someone's bad behavior, diseases, accidents, etc.

Nevertheless, impersonal "you" is becoming more popular recently, so don't hesitate using it if you know your audience.

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