Learn English – is there any difference between “at first”, “initially” and “at the first time/ the first time”


I often met 3 adverbs of time in English : "at first", "initially" and "at the first time/ the first time", but i can't make a distinction. They are the same and can be used interchangeably in any situation, right? If there are any difference between them, please give a some examples.

Best Answer

My understanding of your time phrases is

at first = in the beginning
a small period of time after something started or the start

initially = at the start
a less small period of time after something started

for the first time / the first time
refers to the maiden occurrence of something

Diagram of time phrases (not drawn to scale)

beginning                                              end
|--------------- duration of an event ------------|
|- at first -|
|----- initially -----|
|-----------------for the first time -----------------|