Learn English – Is this sentence correct / written in a good english


You know.. today I've been in my old company. I've been working there for 5 years and it was like seeing sliding doors (the movie I mean), like seeing a parallel life I mean.

Now I work abroad and my life has changed, but only a few months ago I was working there. And I could still been working there, doing the same street every day.

I'm happy to have changed.

  • Can I use the expression: "you know..", for starting a sentence? Is it idiomatic? Am I doing a rigth use of it? I use it for drawing attention.
  • The tense in the other two bolded sentence are rigth?

Best Answer

Let me try though NSs may help us better.

You know (that's fine!), today I had been to my old company where I worked for 5 years. And, it just seemed like what happens in (the movie) Sliding Doors (write the letters in capital). I mean a second version of mine was created then (this is the movie all about though I have not watched it)!

Now, I work abroad and my life has (completely) changed. (It's hard to believe) But, just a few months ago, I was working there and I would have been still working there doing the same job everyday (if I had not gotten the opportunity).

Note that the phrases in the brackets are optional but I think they clarify your concern better.

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