Learn English – Is this the right expression when I first meet someone


I am making a video which explains my business. In my video, I would like to say "hello" to someone who watches my video.
Is it rude to say "hi, there"?
If this is a rude or an unsuitable expression, what is the right expression in this situation?

Best Answer

There is nothing rude about "Hi, there," but you'll want to say it with the right tone and mood, or it may come across as very insincere.

If I wanted to use "Hi, there!" as an introduction to my video, I'd say it as if the viewer had just come up to me from behind, and I turned around to see them approaching.

I don't think there's a single "right expression" for this situation. It's probably most important for your greeting to sound warm, friendly, sincere and unrehearsed.