Learn English – “Is X and Y the exact same thing?” or “Are X and Y the exact same things?”


Which one is more correct grammatically speaking in English?

a) Is X and Y the exact same thing?
b) Are X and Y the exact same things?
c) Are X and Y the exact same thing?

Please state your answer for : 1) BrE and 2) AmE.

And the sources. Please 🙂

Also how common is it for Native English People to not follow the correct grammar pattern for this?

How often do you hear Native English speaker mistakenly saying using option a or b (whichever one is the incorrect one, which I don't know yet), even though it is incorrect?

NOTE there are two objects being mentioned here X and Y. Regardless whether they are countable or uncountable things. So there are two things, no more and no less than that.

Best Answer

In formal American English, the correct version of the question is:

c) Are X and Y the exact same thing?

The subject and verb are plural, because we start by discussing two different concepts.

The complement is singular -- one hypothetical concept that the subjects might be identical to.

An equally correct question is:

d) Are X and Y two different things?

In this question, the complement is plural.