Learn English – ‘Is your English getting better?’ or ‘Does your English get better?’


I want to know difference between the following sentences.

  1. Is your English getting better?
  2. Does your English get better?

I am not sure about the nuance of each.
Also my book says "We use the present continuous when we talk about changes happening around now". But I'm not sure what this means.

In brief, If I want to use be-ing form sentence, this sentence does not need any other expression.
But if I want to use do/does, it needs to supplement.
Then which one is sentence correct of the following.
1.What is he studying?
2.What does he study?

Best Answer

  1. Is your English getting better?

As tunny says, this one's fine. It's a direct question about your English language ability and how you perceive its progress.

  1. Does your English get better?

On its own it doesn't really say anything, but it could become a useful sentence with an addition...

Does your English get better if you practise frequently & study hard?