Learn English – Is “You’re damn right it is.” correct grammatically? Whether right or not, would you give me an explanation about this line, please


I would like to ask you a question about a line from a movie.

You're damn right it is.

The above line is from the tail-part (Is this word proper? maybe 'back' or 'last' would be right instead of 'tail'. Please would you also let me know about this?) of the movie, Spit on Your Grave 3.
It is what the angry female main character says.

Is that sentence correct grammatically? It looks like it consists of two clauses.
Is a conjunction "that" omitted in between "right" and "it"?

Thank you.

Best Answer

You're correct that it is two clauses, with an omitted complementiser "that". This is often omitted after verbs like "think" and "say", and adjectives like "certain". It seems to me that it's less often omitted after "right", but it certainly can be.

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