Adverbs – Isn’t ‘Approximately’ an Adverb?


‘Approximately’ is an adverb and modifies a verb. Does that mean for example that ‘approximately five people’ refers to five people until there’s a verb included?

So my answer is: ‘approximately five people’ without a verb refers just to five people, and after a verb is included, for example ‘approximately five people have immunity against the virus’ it means ‘four to six people have immunity against the virus’?

++ Aren’t numerals determiners? Can adverb ‘approximately’ modify determiners?

Best Answer

‘Approximately’ is an adverb


and modifies a verb

Not necessarily. Adverbs can also modify adjectives, other adverbs, or in your case, numerals.

‘approximately five people’ without a verb refers just to five people

No, it still means something like 'four to six people'. If there is no doubt about the exact number, 'approximately' should be dropped.

You could arguably say it requires a verb because every clause requires a verb. But that is true for more word classes than adverbs ...