Learn English – Issue vs Problem


I have a piece of homework:

Hypothermia is a serious____ that can affect even the most accomplished.

What should I fill in the blank, issue or problem?
According to the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, issue means

a problem or worry that somebody has with something.

Therefore I used to think they were synonyms, but now I have to pick one. What is the difference between them?

Best Answer

An issue isn't much of a problem, it's more an annoyance or a minor trouble.

An issue is smaller, not life altering, and it doesn’t present such a degree of difficulty that you have to seek out the counsel of others in order to figure out the impact of the issue. A problem is larger in scale, often large enough to alter your life either temporarily or permanently. A problem can easily require the advice and guidance of those around you, in order to solve it. (Difference Between Issue and Problem)


  • An issue is much softer than a problem and has a readily recognizable solution. Mostly an issue bears only a slight impact, and causes personal annoyance.

  • A problem is life altering, temporarily or permanently. They can cause others to be affected. A "problem" is something bad that you have to deal with.

An issue is a factor that might cause you some annoyance. A problem can impact people and situations around you, even if they are not directly related to the problem. For instance, "forgetting your lunch is an issue, but losing your job is a problem".

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