Learn English – It is better to~ vs It is better off~


When I use the word better I've always used like

it's better (for someone) to ~(Infinitive verb)

I recently found out

better off ~(verb+ing)

is also commonly used in conversation and I can't tell the difference between those two even after reading the explanation about them saying better off is more like a better situation.

For example

It's better to take a bus at night.
It's better off taking a bus at night.

It's better for the school to offer more courses.
It's better off offering more courses.
( I'm even confused about where and how to put the school in this sentence..)

Best Answer

A quick look at MiCase shows a difference in usage.

Better + infinitive follows the impersonal it: It is better to take a bus at night. It is better for the school to offer more courses.

Better + off + gerund is used after nouns and personal pronouns: I am better off taking a bus at night. The school is better off offering more courses.

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