Learn English – it is hurt (Simple Past) or it is hurting? In the next situation


In the next situation…:

(I am talking with my friend in the afternoon about something which
happened to me in the morning. As you can notice all happened in the
same day…):

Me: I woke up this morning and I noticed an huge pain in my leg, so I
think it is hurt (hurt is in Simple Past).

I said: "It is hurt" automatically, but I do not know the reason, I translated fast in my mind and it sounded good for me, but… if I analyse a little the sentence, when I said "I think it is hurt" that problem could has my leg yet, in the moment that I am talking with my friend (a muscle could be damaged or something but I do not feel the pain in that moment). So… Why do not I use: "I think it is hurting"?, for me it has not much sense, but talking gramatically for me it does not seems a bad option because as I said before it is something which I could have in the moment that I am talking (an hurt in my leg).

Best Answer

You couldn't really say, "I think it is hurting", as you already said the leg is in pain. Hurting describes that its in pain, while "it is hurt" is saying something isn't right.

You could have said, "I woke up this morning and I noticed my leg hurting, so I think it is broken/damaged".

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