Learn English – “It’s an interesting topic for me” versus “It’s interesting to me”: Does it really matter


I've just caught myself out twice by writing something down as being interesting for me!
This is a typical Italian mother-tongue error, but Italian is not my first language. It used to be English, but now I'm no longer sure.

And yet when I say the above phrase it sounds OK. I feel comfortable saying it, so am I right to use the preposition for in this way? If as a linguist said: "Grammar is about how people really speak, not about how they ought to speak."

Here is a link which nicely sums up the difference between interesting to me and interesting for me.

Something you do is interesting for you.

Something people do or say is interesting to you.

Best Answer

I see no reason why you should make a point of avoiding interesting for. It's not so common as interesting to, but it's been growing steadily over the past century, from about 1:30 in 1914 to about 1:6 in 2008 (Google Ngrams):

enter image description here

However, there is a possible ambiguity with interesting for. The for participates in two very different constructions. One is the ordinary preposition phrase which indicates who is interested; this is how your examples use it:

This point of view would be interesting for methat is, I would be interested in this point of view.

The other construction is the FOR ... TO non-finite clause acting as the complement of interesting. (And in fact, historically the first construction appears to have arisen out of this one.)

This point of view would be interesting for me to hear. ... This may be parsed two ways:

Hearing this point of view would interest me.
My hearing this point of view would interest somebody.

In conversation the ambiguity is ordinarily trivial, since we take it for granted that the interested person and the hearer are the same. But what about this?

This point of view would be interesting for President Obama to hear.

Does that mean that hearing this point of view would interest the President, or that I would find it interesting if he heard it?

So you don't need to avoid using interesting for, but you do need to be careful how you use it.

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