Learn English – John’s brother as well as I / I as well as John’s brother ___ guilty of cheating Jason


John's brother as well as I (a) / am guilty (b) of cheating Jason.(c)

This is an error spotting question asked in my exam, a friend told me that part B is wrong, he suggested to replace am with is , I agree that the helping Verb should agree with the subject preceding as well as but I suspect that that part A is wrong . The mistake is placement of first person pronoun. We usually follow rule of 2 3 1 ( 2 = second person 3 = third person 1 = first person ) in normal sentence but in sentences where the essence of sentence is somewhat negative such as we are talking responsibility for some wrong doing for something like that the rule becomes 1 2 3 .So going by this knowledge which I have the correct sentence should be I as well as John's brother am guilty of cheating Jason. Am I correct ?

Best Answer

Two natural ways to phrase the sentence would be:

John's brother and I are guilty of cheating Jason.
John's brother is guilty of cheating Jason, and so am I.

It is not idiomatic English to say the following:

X John's brother as well as I am guilty of cheating Jason.
X I as well as John's brother am guilty of cheating Jason.

The "... and so am I" construction I gave in the top example is a good way to keep a sentence simple when the subjects are complex. For example:

I think that the legal system is too slow, and so does everybody else in my neighbourhood.

Incidentally, the same construction can also make it clear whether people should be considered as a group or as individuals:

My boss's husband and I own an expensive car. (This suggests that we own it together.)
My boss's husband owns an expensive car, and so do I. (We each own a car.)

With that in mind, one of the two versions above might be more appropriate, depending on the context: "John's brother and I are guilty" suggests that we may have collaborated with each other, while "John's brother is guilty, and so am I" suggests that we each cheated Jason individually.

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