Learn English – Just + simple past: “I just watched” vs. “I’ve just watched”


I don't know if I'm supposed to write an intro before the question since I'm new here lol I'd like to know if it's correct to use just followed by the simple past, e.g.:

I just watched the first episode. (Simple Past)

I'm a little bit confused because I see people using both forms: this and

I've just watched the first episode. (Present Perfect)

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

It is not strictly necessary to use a specific time reference with the Past Simple.

It is the other way around: when you use the Present Perfect, you better not use a specific past time reference:

I have watched this movie yesterday. (invalid sentence: the time period mentioned - "yesterday" - has already ended)

Concerning your question,

I just watched the first episode.

Is an appropriatetly formed sentence in the American English. British English speakers prefer to use the Present Perfect:

I've just watched the first episode.


  1. Comparison of American and British English - Wikipedia
  2. An answer to a related question at ELU.