Learn English – “Last thing I’d do is” or “last thing I do would be”


If you want to say, for example, "If I were you, last thing I'd do is laugh" what is the correct usage of "would" here?

I've seen the above example but that doesn't sound quite right to me. Wouldn't this work: "… last thing I'd do would be to laugh"?

Or: "…last thing I do would be to laugh"?

Best Answer

The common usage would be as follows:

Person A: I challenge you to a race!
Person B: Ha! You won't even make it halfway before I finish.
Person A: If I were you, the last thing I would do is laugh.

I think this is more of a sort of idiom. This is the way it is said, and it has a particular connotation associated with it. While other options may be grammatically correct, the idiom needs to be said this way.

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