Learn English – Late this week/month/year


To my knowledge, 'late' can be placed in front of time period terms (day/week/month/year) to indicate the final part of a duration. However, there are a number of constructions (especially ones involving the present time period as opposed to past or future) that are open to my personal doubt, mostly due to the lack of search results for instances of their usage. Are the 'late-phrases' in the list below correct and natural English? If not, how can I reword them to express the same idea?

  1. There will be a movie in here late tomorrow.

  2. I will be starting university late this year.

  3. We will expect a sudden temperature drop late this month.

  4. He will arrive late today

Many thanks in advance.

Best Answer

There will be a movie in here late tomorrow.

better might be

There will be a movie shown late tomorrow.
There will be a movie shown tomorrow evening.

Interesting ambiguity in your second sentence

I will be starting Uni late this year.
Uni will have already started by the time I get there.

I will be starting Uni later this year.
I will be starting Uni in the fall.

We will expect a sudden temperature drop late this month.
We will expect a sudden temperature drop at towards end of the month.

Your last sentence is interesting in the same way the second sentence is

He will arrive late today.
He is coming today, but will be late (whenever he arrives).

He will arrive later today.
He will arrive in the evening today.

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