Learn English – lock out your elbow throughout the swing


With the RKC kettlebell technique, you grip the handle tightly with one hand, keep your head tilted up at the bottom of the swing, lock out your elbow throughout the swing, snap your hips forward into hyperextension, inhale during the downward swing, and stop the swing at shoulder height.

The Source: http://livehealthy.chron.com/russian-vs-crossfit-kettlebells-5561.html

Could you help me please with the meaning of the phrase "lock out your elbow throughout the swing". I am familiar with the standard meaning of "lock out" but none makes any sense in that context. It occured to me that it could be equivalent of "don't bend" but I am not sureā€¦

Best Answer

"Lock out" is a slightly odd use. A slightly more natural phrase would be "lock your elbows throughout the swing".

You're correct - it means "don't bend", but even more specifically to "lock" a joint is to extend it all the way out to the end of its range.