Learn English – Looking at the kids which – or that/who


We look at the kids which/that/who skillfully use tablets with the help of their small fingers and we understand that to surprise the younger generation will be more difficult each year.

Is the relative pronoun which acceptable here, or does it look totally out of place, because it befits a "non-restrictive relative clause" more?

It seems to me that the pronoun that looks best in the bolded position, with who an acceptable second choice. But it's hard to pin down why.

Best Answer

It's that over who because which in this context is out.

Both are okay, BUT if you want to give more human touch, let's call those cute little kids who.

GrammarGirl agrees!

To me, using that when you are talking about a person makes them seem less than human. I always think of my friend who would only refer to his new stepmother as the woman that married my father. He was clearly trying to indicate his animosity and you wouldn't want to do that accidentally.

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