Learn English – Looking for English proverb equal to “Chalti ka naam gaadi hai” = “a thing which runs is called a vehicle”


I need an English proverb for this mentioned Hindi/Urdu proverb:

Chalti ka naam gaadi hai

Literally, it means "a thing which runs is called a vehicle," but that doesn't sound good. Actually it is used in a sense that when an institute, business, something else is working smoothly but there seems a room for improvement, and whenever the boss signals for improvement, then the ones who are lazy and don't want further betterment often use this proverb " a thing which runs (just operational) is called a vehicle. (Institute, business, etc)

Best Answer

I like @DamkerngT's suggestion:

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

Literally, if something is already (just barely) working, it doesn't need to be fixed (or improved upon). Actually I've often heard this phrase used in the context of (old, but still running) vehicles.