Learn English – Looking for “turn to dust” alternative as a single word


I'm looking for the verb meaning "turn to dust" in the sense that the card can be broken into pieces and dust. The best candidates for me right now are "dismantle", "fission", "shatter", "break".

To give more context: I'm making a game where there are cards with souls embroidered into said cards. Later, the player can destroy the card which will give him the dust and the blank card in return. I'm looking for the verb describing the process of breaking the card in such specific way.

Best Answer

Since you are talking about breaking down a card into other materials, it makes sense to use disintegrate to refer to separating a card into its components.


to break apart into many small parts or pieces

Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary

break into parts or components or lose cohesion or unity

Source: Vocabulary.com

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