Learn English – “Made in USA” vs. “Made in the USA”


I browsed in a drug store and found some medical products had "Made in USA" on their labels, and some others had "Made in the USA".

If both are correct and they mean the same thing, which one do you prefer?

Best Answer

When we have unlimited time to talk and unlimited space to write, we can say or write everything in full: 'This product was made in the United States of America'. Very often, time to talk or space to write is limited (or people expect other people to understand what they mean), so people abbreviate: 'the US of A', 'the USA', 'the US' or leave out words which can be understood in the context (and constructed if necessary): 'This product was' and, in your question, 'the'. Officially, the 'the' is necessary; unofficially, it is sometimes (and in some contexts, often) left out.

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