Learn English – Make/do a painting


Which one is more correct?

  1. She made this painting for a friend.

  2. She did this painting for a friend.

I performed a websearch and it seems both are used. When I was learning English at school, I was told that make should be used in case something is produced. Does that make sense?

Best Answer

Both verbs sound fine within this context:

  • She made this painting for a friend. - She created it; she produced it.
  • She did this painting for a friend. - She was working on it.

The verb "do" mostly focuses on the process and the action while "make" focuses mainly on the result. (Cambridge - Do or make?)

But as Google Ngram shows "make a painting" is more popular:

As J.R. commented you can use painted, sketched, created, produced, crafted, or drew instead. However, each of these words carries a different meaning (see their definitions).

If you are unsure which verb to choose make "painting" the verb:

  • She painted this for a friend.