Word Usage – Make or Say with ‘Prayer’ Explained


For words that we say to God asking for help I've found that two phrases are used.

  1. make prayer
  2. say prayer

I've usually seen that natives don't much use the first one. Is there any error in this or is it unusual? Although to me second is more natural and I prefer it but still I've got this perplexity in my mind that "What wrong is there in the first one?"

Best Answer

I have personally never heard the expression "make prayer" (native BrEng speaker). If you have a credible example then perhaps it is used in some parts of the world or maybe it is archaic.

There are a few other ways to express what you want. Remember that the verb is to pray and the noun, or name for the completed set of words is a prayer.

  • Say a prayer
    eg "He said a prayer".
  • Pray
    eg "I will pray for you".
  • to be in prayer
    eg "He knelt down in prayer",
    or "her lips were moving in silent prayer".
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