Learn English – Matched vs. Matching


Which sentence is correct or more natural

  • If it matches any of the items, the item is selected
  • If it matches any of the items, the matching item is selected
  • If it matches any of the items, the matched item is selected
  • If it matches any of the items, the item which is matched is selected

Best Answer

First, matched doesn't make sense in your examples: This would be used if the items were already paired/sorted:

After the selecting process, the matched items are displayed.

The other two depend on context:

A. If it matches any of the items, the item is selected.

Take an item X. Compare it to a set of items. If in the set is another item X', choose X, else discard X.

B. If it matches any of the items, the matching item is selected.

Take an item X. Compare it to a set of items. If in the set is another item X', pick X', else ignore X'.

Real world example: You go shopping with your child.
A. Your child brings you a can of pineapples. If canned pineapple is on your shopping list, put it in the cart, else put the can back on the shelf.
B. Your shopping list has canned pineapple on it. You go to the shelf with canned fruit. If there is a can of pineapple, put it in your cart, ignoring the canned peaches.