Learn English – May I use “belong” with “is / was” in active sentences


I am confused of uses of belong in sentences. I know belong is intransitive verb so it should not be used in passive sentence.

But still I can see it is used with "is" and "was" like below examples a)
Can we use "Belong" to tell status of something like below examples?


a) This property is/was belongs/belong to us

b) This property belongs/belong to us

c) This property has/had belonged to us

Please help me to understand correct use of belong in English sentences

Best Answer

Yes, "belong" can indicate ownership. Or perhaps I should say the opposite of ownership: "I own this box" implies "This box belongs to me."

Whether you use "belong" or "belongs" simply depends on whether the subject is singular or plural. "It belongs" but "They belong".

You can use it in the simple present or in other tenses. "This belongs to Bob." "This will belong to Bob" (perhaps after he has proven himself worthy). "This belonged to Bob" (but it doesn't belong to him any more). Etc.

You don't say "is belongs", just "belongs".

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