Learn English – Maybe + future tense


Should I say (in informal day-to-day speech):

Maybe I go for a walk in hour or so.

Maybe I go visit James next week.


Maybe I will go for a walk in hour or so.

Maybe I will go visit James next week.

Will in the later sentences seems superfluous to me, because it's obvious speaker talks of the future events and not of the present ones.

Best Answer

The first two are wrong.

The second pair is awkward.

The following is largely idiomatic, but it just might point you in the right direction:

I might go for a walk in hour or so.

Maybe I should visit James next week.
I might want to visit James next week.

"Maybe he'll go for a walk in the course of the next hour or so."
"Maybe he will. I wouldn't put it past him."

Maybe I should pay James a visit next week.

That said, informal speech relies heavily on contractions.