Learn English – meaning “move against each other”


This sentence is from an article about "Earthquakes":

The surface of the earth, about 100 kilometers thick, is made of large pieces. When they move against each other, an earthquake happens.

What does "move against each other" mean? Does it mean "move in the opposite direction and hit"?

Best Answer

The phrase 'move against each other ' literally means they come in contact and collide with each other so as to create an earthquake.

The word against may be the confusion, but look at the below definition (taken from Google):

in or into physical contact with (something), so as to be supported by or collide with it.

"she stood with her back against the door"

synonyms:touching, in contact with, close up to, up against, abutting, on, adjacent to

"she leaned against the wall"

The same meaning is applied in the example given.

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