Learn English – Meaning of “a higher form of war” in The Avengers


Thor : (To Fury) Your work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies. It is the signal to all the realms that the earth is ready for a higher form of war.

STEVE : A higher form?!

What does "a higher form of war" mean? Could you explain for understanding?

STEVE : I’m sure if he still made weapons, Stark would be neck-deep…

TONY : Wait-Wait! Hold on! How is this now about me?

STEVE : I'm sorry, isn't everything?

Please try and guess Steve's uncompleted line and complete sentence.
"Stark would be neck-deep in big trouble" or "Stark would be neck-deep a bundle of paper money (Stark buried in the money)". Which one do you think makes sense?

And Steve said "isn't everything?" What does that mean?

Best Answer

What that higher form of war means, is even unclear to "Steve". It seems it is meant to be unclear, and maybe "Thor" will get a chance to explain it later on, since "Steve" asks the same question as you.

A higher form usually means a more advanced, nobler, or more complicated version of something. Which, in the case of war could mean a lot of things, depending on who says it.

As for the unfinished sentence, without further context, it seems likely that "Steve" would be neck-deep into anything that he would be into if he were still making weapons. I guess it would be warfare, possibly making money out of the war that they seem to be in. Ask yourself what whoever is making the weapons for this war has a lot of, and that is what Steve would have had a lot of as well :)

The last one is the simplest question, as the answer is right there in the script:

TONY : [..]How is this now about me?
STEVE : I'm sorry, isn't everything (about you)?

Examples occur whenever someone leaves out a verb, a noun or a phrase in order not to repeat it:

The oldest sister is beautiful!
Aren't they all (beautiful)?

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