Learn English – Meaning of “give me chills”


Its winter in region these days, a friend uploaded a picture of water of summer from some other region. And that photo gave me goose bumps and i felt a sudden rush of cold in my body, so if i say "this photo gave me chills, would that be correct? Like it is said here? https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20111123001539AAcqr4k
Are there any other phrase, words that could replace this one?

Best Answer

Yes, "this photo gave me chills" is perfectly fine. "This photo gave me goosebumps" works too. Both phrases would be immediately understood by a native speaker.

Edit: As @WhatRoughBeast pointed out, this phrase can also be used to mean "it frightened me" or "it made me very uneasy".

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