Learn English – Meaning of “has the best wishes”


What does "has my best wishes" mean here?

he told his long-suffering publisher John Murray that Napoleon 'has my
best wishes to manure the fields of France with an invading army'


Isn't this supposed to be "my best wished for him to manure…?" because it means
"I wish that Napoleon will manure the fields of France with an invading army"?

Best Answer

best wishes is an idiomatic expression meaning that the person whose wishes they are desires a particular (positive) outcome for someone else; it is often used toward people who are ill (best wishes for a speedy recovery), but in this case it is used toward Napoleon (Murray wants him to win the war).

The suggested has my best wished is incorrect in both usage and grammar; has is the simple present indicative of have, indicating possession (Napoleon has something), and my best wishes (for victory) is what he has.

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