Learn English – Meaning of “it is telling to note that”


It is telling to note that the language of exclusive territoriality in disputes such
as this one originates with local authorities.

What's the meaning of "it is telling to note that"?

Best Answer

It is telling to note that ... is often used to draw more attention to a point, often with negative connotations.

In your example it would be factual to say

"The language of exclusive territoriality in disputes such as this one originates with local authorities."

But the addition of It is telling to note that ... implies that the local authorities may not be acting in line with a higher authority.

A different example might be

The doctor did not perform a full examination prior to the patients demise.

This simply states that the doctor did not perform a full examination. However, adding in the phrase ...

It is telling to note that the doctor did not perform a full examination prior to the patients demise.

implies that the doctor should have performed a full examination and had he done so the outcome may have been different.

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