Learn English – Meaning of Pick Yourself Up


Because I am a Turk, sometimes I cannot understand the usage of some verbs. I faced two sentences in which the verb "pick up" is used.

  1. You have to pick yourself up.
  2. You are going to pick your miserable self up and help us

What is the meaning of the verb pick up? I guess that it's meaning is to get better, to improve?

Best Answer

It is a metaphorical use of the verb "pick up" in its simplest sense of lifting something off the ground. Your sentences mean that this person has become passive and/or disorganized, sort of like a useless rag that is lying on the ground. So, yes, in a way, "pick yourself up" means "improve your game", "become active again", "work better". Another phrase that is used in these situations is "get your act together".