Learn English – meaning of the phrase “on the minute”


Here is the context:

Squats use 2 reps, usually for 10 sets, while bench presses and presses typically use sets of 3, again for 10 sets; both are done with a one-minute rest between sets.Deadlifts work well with 15 singles on a 30-second clock. Weighted chin-ups have even been done this way. It works best to take each set out of the rack on the minute, re-rack it quickly after the set, and focus on the next set during the rest.

Best Answer

On the minute means the moment when the minutes change, i.e., when the seconds are 0. It will help to have a clock that shows the seconds. If you have a digital clock that does not show seconds, you can watch for the moment when the minutes value changes.

It is a fairly unusual phrase, but it is based on the more common on the hour, meaning when the hour changes.

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