Learn English – meaning of “to schedule out”


I'm trying to translate the text. My question is:
what is the meaning of "out of your life" In this sentence

Life is made interesting by the unexpected; so don't schedule it out of your life. Leaving open times helps you avoid feeling trapped by your schedule and gives you the freedom to enjoy unexpected opportunities as they arise.

What does it mean? Does that mean in the other context different?

Best Answer

The writer is creating a phrasal verb:

to schedule something|someone out ....


"to eliminate the possibility of something (unscheduled) happening by chance, by scheduling an activity for every available time slot"

Here, the "something" is "the unexpected".

The author is saying "Leave some time unscheduled so that the unexpected may enter your life".

Compare "to rule out".

When we rule something out, we exclude it as a possibility.

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