Learn English – Meaning of today in: How to help you, today


I was reading this post, What should we greet a person at 10 o'clock in the night?, on ELL.

You could use both. "Tonight" would refer to the current time of day,
but "today" could be seen as to refer to "this time around",
"this work shift". – oerkelens

And the comment above reminded me of this expression said at stores

How can I help you, today?

Does today mean now; this time around? and not literally "today"?

Best Answer

The use of "today" in

How can I help you today?

means for the duration of the rest of this day and so not as openended in time as

How can I help you?

Depending on context, you might interpret it as the person having a willingness to help you with something since they know you will have a busy day today

How can I help you with your busy day?

or it might mean the person, e.g. concierge, is working "today" but not tomorrow,

or it might just be a filler word with no intent behind the "today" since you could easily answer

Not today, but maybe tomorrow you could help me with...

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