Learn English – Meaning of “way before”


At about 53s of this video, I listened a phrase "way before". Did I hear it in a wrong way or it has some meaning?

Searched and got this result. But it seems the page is explaining since '86.

Best Answer

The need to program machines existed way before the development of computers

As StoneyB says, "way" here is a colloquial use that means "long". In other contexts it can mean "much" or "very" -- basically, it is used to add emphasis to whatever comes after it.

I want to be a programmer, but it's way too technical for me.

All this programming stuff is way over my head.

My car is parked way out on the other side of the parking lot.

The speaker can add extra emphasis by elongating "way":

Dude, you need to chill. You're being waaaaaay too serious right now.

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