Learn English – Meaning of ‘We have a history’


Whenever it is said that 'We have a history' people consider it to mean that 'we' once were in a realtionship. Can 'we have a history' connote a non-relationship-platonic just good memories, sense.

I've googled it and haven't got any satisfactory results. Kindly apprise me of its usage.

Best Answer

It doesn't necessarily mean a romantic relationship. It often does, but the usage implies that there was something negative between you.

If I ended a relationship with a woman on good terms I might say

We used to date

But if it was a torrid affair that interfered with my life and friendships, but I don't want to expound upon it I would say

We have a history

Outside of a romantic context, say I had a long-term business rival who I frequently came into conflict with, "we have a history" is also appropriate.

But I would not use that phrase to refer to a long-term friendship or familial relationship.

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